How to Get to the Park
To reach us from Minsk take the M2 for 30km and the M1 for 10km.
To reach us from the Minsk International Airport take the M2 for 350m before turning left at the first left turning. After 2.2 km, at the roundabout go straight over (first exit), before taking the next left turning in 150m. Continue for 3.3 km until you reach the park on your right.
Minsk and Great Stone are connected by a number of bus routes, which run regularly.
Avtostancija Аvtozavodskaja 07.05
Administracyjny centr 19.30
Sokal (depature) 08:07; 08:35; 11:55; 13:07; 16:02; 16:48; 17:34; 18:08; 18:47
Sokal (depature) 08:07; 08:35; 11:55; 13:07; 16:02; 16:48; 17:34; 18:08; 18:47
Baramzinoj 08:08; 08:36; 11:56; 13:08; 16:03; 16:49; 17:35; 18:09; 18:48;
Volma 08:09; 08:37; 11:57; 13:09; 16:04; 16:50; 17:36; 18:10; 18:49;
Pavarot na Volmu 08:10;08:41;11:58;13:10;16:05;16:51;17:37;18:11;18:50; Minski praspiekt 08:16; 08:43; 12:03; 13:15; 16:10; 16:56; 17:42; 18:16; 18:55; Administracyjny centr (arrival) 08:23; 08:46; 12:06; 13:18; 16:13; 16:59; 17:45; 18:19; 18:58;«Great Stone» Park» - «Sokal» microdistrict
Administracyjny centr (depature) 07:50; 08:20; 08:50; 12:10; 13:25; 16:30; 17:15; 17:50; 18:30;
Pavarot na Volmu 07:57; 08:27; 08:57; 12:17; 13:32; 16:37; 17:22; 17:57; 18:37;
Volma 07:58; 08:28; 08:58; 12:18; 13:33; 16:38; 17:23; 17:58; 18:38;
Sokal (arrival) 08:05; 08:30; 09:00; 12:20; 13:35; 16:40; 17:25; 18:00; 18:40;
Departure from Mahilioŭskaja metro station – 5:04, 5:12, 5:35, 5:50, 6:00, 6:10, 6:20, 6:31, 6:48, 7:21, 7:36, 7:51, 8:16, 8:24, 8:36, 9:02, 9:21, 9:29, 9:55, 10:22, 10:48, 11:12, 11:36, 12:00, 12:24, 12:48, 13:12, 13:36, 14:00, 14:24, 14:48, 15:12, 15:27, 15:42, 16:11, 16:19, 16:27, 16:42, 17:12, 17:26, 17:39, 18:00, 18:11, 18:23, 18:35, 18:47, 18:59, 19:14, 19:29, 19:48, 20:24, 20:58, 21:16, 21:35, 21:53, 22:12, 22:36, 22:58, 23:21, 23:44, 0:09.
Arrival on the stopping point «Sokal» – 5:34, 5:42, 6:05, 6:20, 6:30, 6:40, 6:50, 7:01, 7:18, 7:52, 8:07, 8:22, 8:47, 8:55, 9:07, 9:32, 9:51, 9:59, 10:25, 10:52, 11:18, 11:42, 12:06, 12:30, 12:54, 13:18, 13:42, 14:06, 14:30, 14:54, 15:18, 15:44, 15:59, 16:14, 16:43, 16:51, 16:59, 17:14, 17:44, 17:58, 18:11, 18:32, 18:43, 18:55, 19:07, 19:19, 19:31, 19:46, 20:01, 20:01, 20:20, 20:54, 21:28, 21:46, 22:05, 22:23, 22:42, 23:06, 23:28, 23:51, 0:14, 0:39.
Aŭtazavodskaja metro station: 6:32, 6:52, 7:05, 7:55, 8:05, 8:42, 15:51, 16:51, 17:48, 20:00, 20:33
Aŭtazavodskaja metro station: 6:33, 6:53, 7:06, 7:56, 8:06, 8:43, 15:52, 16:52, 17:49, 20:01, 20:34
Katoŭskaha: 6:34, 6:54, 7:07, 7:57, 8:07, 8:44, 15:53, 16:53, 17:50, 20:02, 20:35
Mahilioŭskaja metro station: 6:38, 6:58, 7:11, 8:01, 8:11, 8:48, 15:57, 16:57, 17:54, 20:06, 20:399
Maločny kambinat: 6:41, 7:01, 7:14, 8:04, 8:14, 8:51, 16:00, 17:00, 17:57, 20:09, 20:42
Vialiki Trascianiec : 6:44, 7:04, 7:17, 8:07, 8:17, 8:54, 16:03, 17:03, 18:00, 20:12, 20:45
Pavarot na Sosny :6:50, 7:10, 7:23, 8:13, 8:23, 9:00, 16:09, 17:09, 18:06, 20:18, 20:51
Baramzinoj :7:08, 7:29, 7:42, 8:32, 8:42, 9:18, 16:29, 17:29, 18:26, 20:36, 21:09
Sokal :7:08, 7:29, 7:42, 8:32, 8:42, 9:18, 16:29, 17:29, 18:26, 20:36, 21:09
Sokal – Aŭtazavodskaja metro station (weekdays)
Pavarot na Sosny: 6:01, 6:24, 6:40, 7:30, 7:40, 8:13, 16:20, 17:20, 19:16, 19:52
Vialiki Trascianiec: 6:07, 6:30, 6:46, 7:36, 7:46, 8:19, 16:26, 17:26, 19:22, 19:58
Maločny kambinat: 6:10, 6:33, 6:49, 7:39, 7:49, 8:22, 16:29, 17:29, 19:25, 20:01
Metro station `` Mogilevskaya '': 6:13, 6:36, 6:52, 7:35, 7:52, 8:25, 16:32, 17:32, 19:28, 20:04
Katoŭskaha: 6:17, 6:40, 6:56, 7:47, 7:57, 8:30, 16:37, 17:37, 19:33, 20:08
Aŭtazavodskaja metro station: 6:19, 6:42, 6:58, 7:42, 7:59, 8:32, 16:39, 17:39, 19:35, 20:10
Aŭtazavodskaja metro station: 6:21, 6:44, 7:00, 7:44, 8:01, 8:34, 16:41, 17:41, 19:37, 20:12
30 kilometers on the route М2
10 kilometers on the route М1
From April 12, 2021 the interurban bus route №2357ТК Minsk-China-Belarus industrial park "Great Stone" is temporarily suspended. departure from Uručča metro station - 08:20 arrival at Administracyjny centr - 08:55 departure from Administracyjny centr - 17:40 arrival at Uručča metro station - 18:15
6 kilometers on the route М2
11 kilometers on the route М1
The estimated cost of a taxi from the center of Minsk to the administrative building at 18 Beijing avenue – 35-50 BYN.